tiistai 26. tammikuuta 2021

Shanksvillen maahansyöksy uutisissa

 Päivitetty 3.5.2021

Kuviteltu koneen syöksy Shanksvillessä. Lähde on Killtownin video sivun lopussa.

Nimimerkki Killtown on julkaissut vuonna 2009 mainion yhteenvedon tuoreista uutisista, joissa aikanaan kerrottiin suuren matkustajakoneen maahansyöksystä Shanksvilleen. Kaikki alla olevat uutiset ovat Killtownin videolta, johon on linkki lopussa. Keräsin kuvat, muunsin ne tekstiksi ja laitoin aikajärjestykseen. Tämä siksi, että yhdellä sivulla lehtien uutisia on helppo verrata keskenään.

Suurin osa uutisista on epäilemättä viranomaislähteistä. On ilmeistä, että aikanaan kaikki 9/11-uutiset olivat yhtä horjuvia.

"Officials [said]... Most of the plane's debris kept traveling after the plane hit and landed in the woods past the mine." 
- Pittsburgh Channel

"It didn't look like a plane crash because there was nothing that looked like a plane," Barron said.
- Post-Gazette.com

"If they hadn't told us a plane had wrecked, you wouldn't have known," Delano said.
- PittsburghLive.com 

"It looked like the plane hit once and flopped down into the woods," said would-be rescuer Brad Reiman. 
- PittsburghLive.com

Capt. Monaco [said] "the plane initially struck and continued on into the south," disappearing into the woods. 
- Daily Athenaeum 

"the plane is pretty much disintegrated. There's nothing left but scorched trees," said Mark Stahl. 
- Daily American

"It looked like it hit and disintegrated," Delano said. "Once it hit, everything just disintegrated," said state police spokesman Thomas Spallone. 
- PittsburghLive.com

"FBI and other investigators at the scene have excavated the crash site down to a depth of about 45 feet looking for clues." 
- dep.state.pa.us

"The FBI announced... that 95 percent of the plane was recovered... and the pieces of United Airlines Flight 93 that had been recovered were turned over Sunday to the airline..." 

"the Boeing 757's fuselage disintegrated in a crater that collapsed on itself" 
- Pittsburg Post Gazette

"[Wally] Miller recalled his arrival at the crash site about 20 minutes after the plane plummeted to the earth... He explained how the cockpit broke off at impact, bouncing into a wooded area..." 
- PittsburghLive.com

"the overwhelming evidence that a Boeing 757, 55 metres long and weighing 110 tonnes, had somehow been obliterated..." - The Age

"The rest of the 757 continued its downward passage, the sandy loam closing behind it like the door of a tomb." 
- The Age

"the FBI and other authorities have said the plane was mostly obliterated by the 500 mph impact..." 
- Standard-Times

"The plane pitched, then rolled, belly up. It hit nose-first, like a lawn dart... digging more than 30 feet into the earth, which was spongy from the old mine work." 
- Pittsburgh Live

"searchers said much of the wreckage was found buried 20 to 25 feet below the large crater." 
- Standard-Times

"[Wally] Miller holds up the bag and says that virtually the entire airplane, including its 44 human occupants, disintegrated..." 
- Washington Post

"The site had been mined for coal, then refilled with dirt. It was still soft when Flight 93 crashed, and firefighters said the Boeing 757 tunneled right in." 
- St. Petersburg Times

"firefighters said the Boeing 757 tunneled right in. They had to dig 15 feet to find it." 
- St. Petersburg Times


Aluksi siis kerrottiin, että kraatterissa ei näkynyt koneen osia, vaan maahan osumisensa jälkeen kone oli pompannut kauemmas. Kohta koneen kuitenkin sanottiin vain hajonneen perusteellisesti, jopa lähes olemattomiin. Vuoden kuluttua tarina muuttui sellaiseksi, että kone upposi näkymättömiin siihen kraatteriin.


Hoodwinked at Shanksville: The Boeing 757 Challenge!

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